67 Women Housed!

Dear Friends,

Summer has got off to a scorching start, and while we welcome the sunshine, we know that people experiencing homelessness need cooler, safe indoor spaces. We are extending our Day Center hours during hot spells and providing overnight options when needed. Our dedicated staff is working tirelessly to support women, ensuring they have the necessary resources and care during these challenging times.

In brighter news, we are thrilled to share that 67 women have successfully transitioned into their own homes. However, we must acknowledge the road ahead. With half of the year behind us and only one-third of our goal achieved, housing 150 women in 2023 remains daunting. But we are optimistic and confident that with your unwavering support and financial gifts, we will make it possible. Your generous contributions bring them closer to having a home.

Looking ahead, we are excitedly planning two events that we believe you will want to be a part of – Community Brunch and Parties with a Purpose – to engage in meaningful conversations and foster a deeper connection within our community while making a tangible difference. If you want to learn more or get involved, please contact Sujata Agrawal. We would be delighted to have your support! Together, let us continue to make a lasting impact on the lives of women in need.

Wishing you a summer filled with meaningful moments.

Dietra Clayton, Managing Executive Director