03 Nov Meet the Executive Team

“Sophia, Zee, and I are coming to the table with different skills, and we will weave them together to propel the organization forward. It’s going to lend to us to always be ahead of the curve, meet women where they are, and give them what they want.”
Dietra Clayton
Managing Executive Director

“I am excited about working in close collaboration with Dietra and Sophia and having the opportunity to connect and integrate the different parts of the organization. We want to step up and ensure we meet the needs of our clients, staff, and the community.”
Zee Peters
Executive Director, Development & Engagement

“I’m excited about creating a framework that honors a multitude of multiple voices. I’m looking forward to bringing our shared experience and skill to lift up the voices within the organization, create a culture of inclusion and be leaders in serving women.”
Sophia Hernandez
Executive Director, Finance & Operations