Celebrating 15 Years of Resilience and Renewal!

From humble beginnings—eight mats on a church floor—to providing shelter, safety, and stability for a hundred women every day, our 15-year journey is truly a cause for celebration, and we want you to be a part of it!

Celebrating Strength and Resilience

Join us in celebrating the remarkable resilience of the women we’ve had the privilege to serve. Many have found a place to call home, and their stories inspire us every day.

Celebrating Compassion and Generosity

This milestone wouldn’t be possible without the compassion and generosity of our amazing supporters—cities, faith communities, corporations, and individuals. Your time, talent, and treasure have given countless women hope and a chance to change their lives.

Celebrating You

We honor every person who has walked alongside us and continues to support our mission. This celebration is for you as much as it is for the women we serve.

Be a Part of the Celebration

Date: Saturday, December 7
Time: 7 – 9 pm 

Place: Hilton Bellevue

Take a journey through our 15-year history, relive the highlights, and look ahead to the future. Learn how The Sophia Way plans to scale up and provide more women on the Eastside a place to rest and heal on their path to stability.

Sign up now and join us in this joyous celebration!

Support Our Anniversary Event Through Crowdfunding!

To make this celebration accessible to everyone, we’re reaching out for your support with the event expenses. Crowdfunding allows our community to come together and contribute. You can create a personal fundraising page and inspire friends, family, and colleagues to support The Sophia Way’s event.

This toolkit will help you get started and includes tips on promoting your page to make a bigger impact and champion your favorite nonprofit. Your support will help us host an event that reflects our values of being welcoming and compassionate. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal of $30,000 and to making this event inclusive and memorable.

Let’s celebrate 15 years of impact—together!

Thank You to our Generous Sponsor!